Archive for Writing

(2005) The New Cosmopolites: Activating the Role of Mobile Music Listeners

This essay suggests a way of understanding emerging behaviors of mobile music listeners by positing two hypotheses: 1) that geolocation is weakening as a factor in determining personal identity and 2) that musical taste as a general rule is becoming more eclectic. These two tendencies set up the potential to better activate the role of mobile music listeners and the opportunity for designers to facilitate this active role.

Presented at the 2nd International Mobile Music Workshop, held at the 2005 “New Interfaces for Musical Expression” Conference at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

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(2004) Recycling Music, Answering Back: Toward an Oral Tradition of Electronic Music

This essay outlines a framework for understanding new musical compositions and performances that utilize pre-existing sound recordings. In attempting to articulate why musicians are increasingly using recorded music in their creative work, the author calls for and shows examples of new tools and performance interfaces that aid in the dynamic appropriation of pre-recorded music.

Published in the proceedings of the 2004 “New Interfaces for Musical Expression” Conference, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture, Hamamatsu, Japan.

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(2003) Alan Lomax and the Big Story of Song – Rounder CD 1863

The essay “Alan Lomax and the Big Story of Song,” featured in the liner notes to the “Alan Lomax Popular Songbook” CD, outlines Lomax’s study of American popular music styles, which puts the US hit parade into the context of global song style patterns.
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(2002) Creating a Context for Musical Innovation: A NIME Curriculum

This paper presents the approaches and expectations of a recently launched course at New York University (NYU) in the design and development of musical controllers. The framework for the course, which is also entitled “New Interfaces for Musical Expression,” is largely based on the proceedings of the first NIME workshop held in Seattle, WA in April 2001.

Published in the proceedings of the 2002 “New Interfaces for Musical Expression” Conference, Media Lab Europe, Dublin, Ireland.

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(2001) Creating Contexts of Creativity: Music Composition With Modular Components

This paper describes a series of projects that explore the possibilities of musical expression through the combination of pre-composed, interlocking, modular components. In particular, this paper presents a modular soundtrack recently composed for “Currents of Creativity,” a permanent interactive videowall installation at the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center.
Published in the proceedings of the 2001 “New Interfaces for Musical Expression” Workshop, CHI 2001 Conference, Seattle, WA.

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(1997) Alan Lomax Collection Sampler – Rounder CD 1700

The Alan Lomax Collection Sampler (compiled and edited by Gideon D’Arcangelo) is the first release in the Alan Lomax Collection on Rounder Records. It provides an overview from each of the series of historic Lomax recordings to be released on Rounder, including Southern Journey; Prison Songs; the Caribbean Collection; the English, Scottish and Irish Recordings; the Italian Collection; the Columbia World Library; Deep River of Song; Portraits; and the Ballad Operas, featuring Woody Guthrie.
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